Monday, April 9, 2007

Poll Results

Most recent poll results, by the Commercial Appeal show the following local opinion on the mayor election:

Carol Chumney: 32%
Willie Herenton: 20%
Herman Morris: 16%
John Willingham: 3%
Other/Undecided: 29%

Other specifics include the following statistics:

Q: Should Mayor Willie Herenton be re-elected?
Yes: 20%
No: 66%

Black response:
Yes: 34%
No: 47%

White response:
Yes: 2%
No: 93%

These results do not suggest that this blog has yet chosen to rally behind Carol Chumney. Chumney is indeed a strong candidate at this point, but there is also 6 months until this election, which is enough time for anything to change. There is also a significant number of undecided voters. What appears necessary is for Chumney and Morris to both focus on the voters in Herenton's base, and definitely not in competition with each other. A split between the 32% and 16% support for Chumney and Morris would still leave either/both of them ahead of Herenton, however the 29% of other/undecided voters is a troublesome statistic to work with in this election.

1 comment:

Nomos said...

This is going to be a vote-for-whoever-can-beat-Herenton race, I think. I like both Chumney and Morris (as opposed to Herenton) but if Chumney has the numbers, I'll vote for her.